

As a validator, Pupmos is committed to being your best fremn forever, catching his tail, earning you rewards on your Cosmos assets and representing your interests on the interchain's decentralized networks and DAOs.

As develpupperz, we pride ourselves on being a friendly and approachable team. We believe that building a sense of community is essential to the success of any blockchain project, which is why we're always here to answer your questions and help you get started.

But don't just take our word for it - we have the goodest track record to back it up. Our nodes are always online, thanks to our highly available and redundant infrastructure. And when it comes to security, we've got you covered. Our professional risk management system and top-notch security setup keep your investment safe from cyber and physical attacks.

So if you're looking for a warm, friendly validator that you can trust, look no further than Pupmos. We can't wait to work with you and help you earn rewards on your crypto assets.

Pupmos 2023 ©