Open Source


Kennel is a collection of custom Ansible playbooks, roles, and scripts that are designed to assist in the running and management of nodes and related services on Cosmos-based chains. We understand that dev-ops can be a challenging field, and that Cosmos developers may be feeling the pressure to manage their infrastructure efficiently and effectively. That's where Kennel comes in.

Our resources are available for you to use as needed, based on your specific requirements. We have spent the past year curating and refining these tools to make your work easier and more streamlined. Whether you are using OVHCloud or MEVSpace (or a different provider altogether), we want to support you in your efforts to run and manage your Cosmos projects.

In addition to our playbooks, roles, and scripts, we also offer a registry of all Cosmos chains that are compatible with Kennel. This registry includes the default configuration for each of the supported chains, such as seed nodes, peer lists, minimum gas fees, and repository URLs. You can use this information to set up and configure your infrastructure to meet your specific needs.

We are committed to supporting as many providers as possible, and if you are using a different provider, we welcome pull requests to add support for it. Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance. We are here to help make your dev-ops experience with Cosmos as smooth and painless as possible.


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